Australia is a beautiful country with a lot to offer, but it can get expensive when you’re traveling. Luckily, there are lots of great camping spots that are free or nearly free, and you can even camp in your own swag (a sleeping bag on a camping bed). If you’re looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature, then Australia has some great options for you. Here are some belovable free-or-almost-free camping spots with swag like this, swags in Australia.
If you’re looking to make your camping trip easier, check out our guides to camping beds, camping kettles, camping stoves and camping essentials.
The Rock Campground, Western Australia
The Rock Campground is a free campsite located near the town of Esperance. It’s open from May to September and has toilets, picnic tables, and barbecues (but no shade). There are some trees here but they’re not very big so you might want to bring your own if you want to camp under them.
Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria
Wilsons Promontory National Park is a national park in Victoria, Australia. It’s located on the northern tip of the Fleurieu Peninsula, which juts out into the Bass Strait between Tasmania and mainland Australia. The park covers an area of 929 square kilometers (360 sq mi) and consists of three separate areas: Wilsons Promontory, Croajingolong, and Foster River.
Blackwood River Valley, Western Australia
The Blackwood River Valley is a beautiful place to camp, and it’s an ideal spot for families. There are plenty of different camping spots, so you can choose one that suits your needs. You will also be able to find a lot of things to do nearby, including visiting the town of Nannup or taking a dip in the river.
Flinders Ranges National Park, South Australia
Flinders Ranges National Park is one of the most remote parks in Australia. It’s situated in the South Australian Outback, and it’s home to some of the country’s most spectacular natural landscapes.
The Flinders Ranges are known for their rugged mountain ranges and sweeping views–and they’re also popular with stargazers. The clear skies make it easy to see constellations like Orion, Scorpius, and Taurus from your campsite or even from your tent if you have one!
Bullawa Creek, New South Wales
Located in New South Wales, Bullawa Creek is a great spot to camp if you’re looking for something secluded, but still close enough to civilization. The campsite itself is quite small and can fit up to 15 people at a time, so make sure you book ahead if this sounds like the kind of adventure that would appeal to you!
Bullawa Creek has an information center where they sell supplies such as food and firewood; however, there are also several shops nearby if needed. The closest grocery store is about 3 kilometers away from the site itself (about 2 miles), so make sure it’s worth going out there before making the drive!
There are two different ways into Bullawa Creek: by foot or by car (or both). If coming by foot then follow signs leading down towards Murrumbidgee River when entering Wamboolka village which eventually leads right into Bullawa Creek Reserve land where camping will be located once reached after walking along river banks following signs directing towards ‘Bullawa Station’. Alternatively driving down Main Street towards Murrumbidgee River should bring drivers past signs advertising “Bullawa Station”.
Central Tilba, New South Wales
Central Tilba is a small village in New South Wales, Australia. It’s home to a campsite with no fees and all the amenities you need: toilets, water source and access to bushland. The campsite is located right in the middle of town so it’s easy to find and convenient for exploring Central Tilba–whether by foot or by car!
Red Gum Park, Bendigo, Victoria
Red Gum Park is a great place to camp with swag. It’s located in Bendigo, so there are plenty of things to do nearby. There are toilets and showers, as well as a camp kitchen and swimming pool (which is open in summer). There’s also a playground and walking trails you can explore around the park.
Mungo National Park, New South Wales
Mungo National Park is located in New South Wales, about three hours southwest of Sydney. It has a range of campsites available for self-guided or guided camping with your swag.
There are three different areas: The Mungo Walk, The Pindari Walk, and The Bicentennial Walk. Each area has its unique terrain and wildlife to explore, but they’re all accessible by car or boat (or both if you’re feeling adventurous). You can also access the park from nearby Murrumbidgee National Park via canoe or kayak!
The best time to go is during spring when wildflowers are blooming everywhere–you’ll feel like you’re walking through an enchanted land made up entirely of flowers! If you want some extra help with planning your trip there’s also an app available that gives you information on what facilities are available at each campsite along with tips on how best to enjoy them!
Cape Le Grand National Park, Western Australia
Cape Le Grand National Park is located in Western Australia, just over 100km north of Esperance. The park is home to some of the most beautiful beaches you will ever see, including Cape Le Grand Beach and Wanjina Beach.
You can camp at any one of these locations if you want to spend a few days exploring this area by foot or bike–but be warned: it’s not easy terrain! You’ll need some experience with outdoor survival skills before attempting this trip on your own. If you’re looking for something easier (and more affordable), consider booking a guided tour through one of several companies that offer day trips into Cape Le Grand National Park. These tours include transportation from Perth or other nearby cities as well as all equipment needed for camping–just show up at their office in time for pick-up!
When planning your trip, keep in mind that temperatures can get quite hot during summer months when there’s no shade available anywhere near where people are sleeping overnight; so bring sunscreen lotion along with hats/shirts made out of breathable materials such as polyester blends instead cotton ones which retain moisture longer than synthetics do.”
Free camping is possible, but not always advisable. Swag camping is a much better option for those who want to see Australia on a budget and get up close to nature. Swag camping is affordable and provides a great way for you to experience Australia’s natural beauty in comfort. It’s also an Australian tradition that dates back hundreds of years!
Camping is a great way to spend time with friends and family, but it can be expensive. If you have swag, there are many free or affordable camping spots around Australia. These include national parks like Flinders Ranges National Park and Wilsons Promontory National Park. The Rock Campground in Western Australia also has free campsites available for those on a budget!