Isla Española, also known as Hood Island (named by the English after Viscount Samuel Hood), is considered to be one...
Read moreSan Cristóbal is the fifth largest and easternmost of the Galápagos Islands. The island is comprised of three or four...
Read moreThe Galápagos Islands gained the name “Las Encantadas” by their first visitors, as they seemed to appear magically, often enveloped...
Read moreThe Galápagos archipelago sits in the eastern Pacific Ocean, around 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) off the coast of South America. It...
Read moreHuaca Pucllana, which is also known as Huaca Juliana, was an important administrative and ceremonial centre that was built by...
Read moreThe city of Cuzco is situated in the Peruvian Andes and was developed, under the Incan ruler Pachacutec, into a...
Read moreAs we arrive in the floating shanty town of Belén two boys are jumping off of a wooden framework into...
Read moreThe Amazon river dolphin, also known as the pink river dolphin or ‘boto’, only lives in freshwater. It is relatively...
Read moreNauta was founded on the 30th of April 1839 by a native chief, Manuel Pacaya Irarica. It was the earliest...
Read moreWe arrive at the Park Ranger Station, where we officially sign in to the Pacaya Samiria Reserve. The reserve has implemented...
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