If you’re visiting a strip club for the first time, there are some things you need to know. It’s not always easy to know what to do or how best to behave in these environments, especially if you’ve never been around this type of thing before. However, as long as you’re respectful toward the dancers and respectful toward other patrons in the club itself (or outside on the street), then it’ll be a positive experience for everyone involved! This is a short list of things that both visitors and performers should keep in mind when entering these clubs:
DO be kind, respectful, and polite.
The first thing you should know is that strip clubs are not all about sex. They’re usually not even remotely about sex. Strip clubs like this, strip clubs in Fortitude Valley are places where people go to relax, have fun and enjoy themselves–and feel sexy. They’re not a place where you can expect to have a good time if there’s tension between the dancers and customers (or between the dancers themselves). So when you visit your first strip club, do everything in your power to make sure everyone feels comfortable around each other:
- Be kind and respectful toward everyone who works there–whether it’s a dancer or bartender or manager-on-duty at any given moment; don’t assume that just because someone works at a strip club means she doesn’t deserve respect just because she takes her clothes off for money.
- Try not to act like an asshole; nobody likes being around assholes unless those assholes happen to be rich enough so nobody cares what kind of person they are deep down inside…which brings us back around full circle again…
DON’T touch performers without permission.
First, don’t touch performers without permission. Dancers are paid to perform for you, and it’s not their job to give you a back rub or foot massage. If you want some personal attention from the dancer, ask her how much extra it would cost before doing so.
Second, don’t touch dancers in ways that make them uncomfortable or feel threatened. If she asks you to stop touching her or someone else tells you not to touch a certain performer because she doesn’t like being touched by strangers–listen. This person is there working hard for her money; if she doesn’t want any physical contact from customers then respect that wish and move on with your night out at the strip club instead of making things awkward for everyone involved (including yourself).
Thirdly: DO know who your dancer friends are before reaching out with an open palm full of dollar bills ready for them! It could be awkward (and dangerous) if one of these ladies recognizes someone else over there who happens not only to know each other but also has had previous sexual encounters together…
DO ask performers what they’d like you to do before engaging in any physical contact with them.
- Ask performers what they’d like you to do before engaging in any physical contact with them.
- Don’t touch performers without permission.
- Don’t assume that a performer is on drugs because she’s performing onstage, or that she will be offended if you don’t tip her at the end of your lap dance; there are many reasons why someone might decide not to take her clothes off during a lap dance (or even perform one at all).
- Don’t bring children into a strip club under any circumstances.
DO tip generously for lap dances or if you have a request for the performer.
You tip generously for lap dances or if you have a request for the performer. This is common sense, but it’s worth repeating: if you want to be treated well and remembered, tip well. If you want to get invited back to the club, tip well (and don’t forget about VIP services). If you want a private dance with your favorite dancer later on in your visit, again…you guessed it! Tip well!
Don’t use your phone at all during a performance unless the performer asks you to do so.
- Make sure you don’t use your phone at all during a performance unless the performer asks you to do so.
- If a performer asks for it, put down your phone and pay attention as they dance. You’ll be glad that they did.
If you’re attending a show, the performer should be the center of attention—not your phone. Even if you’re just using your phone to take pictures, be sure that it’s off, or at least on silent mode. If the performer asks you to film or take pictures for them, that’s different—but make sure it’s clear that you’re doing so with their permission.
Don’t ever assume that a performer is on drugs because she’s performing onstage.
Strip clubs are highly regulated environments and the dancers are all tested regularly for drugs and alcohol. The dancers themselves have a lot of experience in their field, so don’t assume that they’re not capable of doing their job just because they look different from what you expect.
DO take time to listen to dancers who are expressing themselves onstage.
One of the best ways to get a feel for what a dancer is saying is to listen closely and take time to understand her story. Don’t interrupt her by talking or moving around unnecessarily; wait until she’s finished speaking before you ask any questions.
If you want to touch your dancer, ask first–and make sure she says yes before proceeding. If at any point during your interaction with her, she says “no,” stop immediately and respect that boundary.
Don’t bring children into a strip club under any circumstances.
Strip clubs are not a suitable place for children and should be avoided at all costs. Strip clubs are not safe, so it’s best to leave the kids at home when you go out on the town. Also, bringing them along would just ruin your night because everyone knows kids aren’t allowed inside strip clubs.
DO consider tipping if a dancer gives you something from her costume (such as a hat).
Tipping your entertainer is a way to show appreciation and make her happy, which will likely result in more time spent with you. Consider tipping if a dancer gives you something from her costume (such as a hat). In addition, be sure to tip if there’s something specific that you’d like to see or have done by the performer!
Don’t try to negotiate prices with performers instead of tipping them.
You should never negotiate the price of a dancer’s services.
It’s not cool, and it’s rude. It’s also illegal according to most strip club laws in America (though some states allow it). If you want to negotiate prices at all, it should be with the management or owner of the establishment–not with performers directly.
Don’t try to compare the experience at a strip club to going to a dance party or nightclub; those are two different things that shouldn’t be mixed.
- Don’t try to compare the experience at a strip club to going to a dance party or nightclub; those are two different things that shouldn’t be mixed.
- Strip clubs aren’t meant for socializing, they’re places where you go to watch dancers perform and tip them if you like what they’re doing on stage. If someone asks for money from you and you don’t want to give it, just say no. If someone keeps asking questions about why she isn’t getting paid for her time in front of an audience full of people who are paying attention (like us), tell her politely but firmly that this isn’t how things work here.
There are many things you can do to have a good time at a strip club, but there are also many things you shouldn’t do. If you follow the above advice, you’ll have a better time and everyone will be happier. There’s no need to worry if you’re not sure what to do or say; just remember that the most important thing is to be respectful and polite.