If you’ve ever been on a red-eye flight, you know how difficult it can be to recover from the experience. It often results in jet lag, which makes you tired, and some people also feel sick or anxious, which can last for days afterward.
In fact, overnight flights can make you feel disoriented and irritable, especially if you haven’t been able to sleep during the trip.
In that case, how to recover from a red eye flight?
Well, to make sure you look and feel great when you step off the plane and find some much-needed energy the next day, here are a few tips you must follow before, during, and after the red eye flights.
So, let’s start with what to do before a red-eye flight.
1. Choose Your Seat Based On Your Needs

As long as the red-eye flight is concerned, choosing a window seat will help you the most. With a window seat, you can conveniently lean against the side of the plane all night.
But there’s a downside to choosing a window; you’ll have to bump into the person next to you to get to the restroom. In this case, if you have to use the washroom often, it will be better to go with the aisle seat.
Besides, if you tend to wake up easily with noise, stay as far away from the galley as possible.
2. Get Some Exercise On The Day Of Your Flight
Doing a little basic exercise on the day of your flight will help prepare your body to relax on the flight. You can add some light freehand exercises to your regular exercise routine. But remember not to overdo the workout; otherwise, you may face trouble sleeping.
3. Eat Before The Flight
You should maximize your sleep time on a red-eye flight. To do so, be sure to eat healthy foods and drink water before you take the flight. This will help keep your energy up, so you can recover from the flight more easily.
Remember not to overeat otherwise; you may feel hard to sleep comfortably with a full stomach.
Apart from that, ensure to avoid caffeine or alcohol. This can cause dehydration and disrupt your sleep.
4. Wear A Comfortable Outfit
Clothes made of comfortable and breathable fabrics will make you feel flexible on the plane and sleep easily. In this case, any casual dress or yoga pants can be an ideal choice.
Additionally, bringing a soft sweater for extra layers is a good idea if the temperature changes on the plane.
However, you should have extra clothes to change into at the airport if you have to go directly to the office or work the next day.
Now, let’s explore what you should do during the red-eye flight.
5. Hydration During Flight
The air on the plane is incredibly dehydrating. Thus, it’s essential for you to stay hydrated.
Therefore, drink plenty of water throughout your flight and the day after the flight. Also, eat healthy snacks such as fruit, unsalted nuts, and foods that contain low sodium and plenty of water.
This will help rehydrate your body and make you feel more refreshed.
6. Carry A Pair Of Slipper Socks, a Pillow, and Earplugs
Your feet and lower legs can swell on long-haul flights. In this situation, to protect your feet from swelling, you can use slipper socks or compression socks.
On the other side, you can also use a neck pillow to make your entire journey more comfortable. Besides relieving your neck of stress, this will also help you sleep better.

Apart from these, you can wear an eye mask if you have light issues.
Also, those who have trouble sleeping due to noise can use earplugs. As well as reducing noise, they also allow you to lean on the side of the plane, which you won’t be able to do with most noise-canceling headphones.
7. Try to Sleep as Much as You Can
We know that sleeping on a flight can be difficult for some people; there are some who even stay up all the time on flights. In that case, a red-eye flight can be tough on your body, leaving you fatigued. But, to help recover, be sure to take a short power nap.
End of your red-eye flight journey? But our recovery tips are not over yet. Check out what to do after a red-eye flight.
8. Take a Shower When You Land
When you land, take a hot shower, put on some fresh clothes, and drink some more water. Getting rid of airplane germs and rehydrating will help you feel better and be able to feel refreshed.
9. Change Clothes Immediately After You Land
If taking a shower is not possible, changing your clothes in the airport lounge or changing room is always a great option.
Whether you freshen up, shower, or change on the plane or at the airport depends entirely on how much time you have before your next activity. It will be best to set aside the last hour to brush your teeth, shower, and do other things to prepare for the day after a red-eye flight.
Finally, the best way to recover from a red-eye flight is to get some fresh air and sunlight as soon as possible. This will help reset your body clock and make you feel more alert.
All in all, red-eye flights aren’t as bad as you might think.
However, these types of flights won’t always be easy and will take some time to get used to, but once you get used to it, it will be well worth it in some cases.
So, whether you’re thinking about taking a red-eye flight or just got home from a long trip and are feeling jet lag, we hope these tips on how to recover from a red eye flight come in handy.
We hope this guide will make your next red-eye trip easier and help you cope with ease, quickly feel better, and get back to your regular routine.
So, that’s all for this guide, be sure to let us know about your next red-eye flight experience.
Have a safe and enjoyable journey.