Hiroshima Castle, also known as Carp Castle (Rijō), was originally constructed in 1589 by the warlord Terumoto Mori and predates...
Read moreHiroshima is a city that bears one of history’s deepest scars. It needs no introduction and will forever evoke thoughts...
Read moreTsurugaoka Hachimangu is the largest and most important Shinto shrine in Kamakura, located at the geographical and cultural centre of...
Read moreZeniarai benten ugafuku shrine (popularly known as Zeniarai benten) is one of Kamakura’s most alluring Shintō shrines. In 1195 Minamoto Yorimoto,...
Read moreHōjō Tokimasa, the first known member of the Hōjō family, was charged by the Japanese ruler with the co-wardenship of...
Read moreHase-dera temple’s origins are said to date from 721 AD when the pious monk, Tokyo Shonin, discovered a large camphor...
Read moreThe bronze statue of Amida Buddha (amitabha) stands at 11.3 metres tall, weighs 850-tonnes and is officially designated as a...
Read moreKamakura was Japan’s administrative capital during the Kamakura period (est. 1185 to 1333). This coincided with the spread of populist...
Read moreThe Tokyo National Museum (TNM) was established in 1872, when the first exhibition was held by the Museum Department of...
Read moreThe first evidence of human life on the Japanese archipelago dates to approximately 30,000 years ago. Before the introduction of...
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