Second citizenship can offer lots of benefits for the family. Not only can it serve as your “Plan B” when circumstances call for you to leave your home country, but it also provides countless lifestyle benefits for the whole family.
Of course, how great these perks are will depend on where you apply for second citizenship. One particular region that offers lots of great options is the Caribbean.
Many Caribbean citizenship programs have visa-free travel benefits, tax incentives, and quick-and-easy citizenship application processes. A good example is the second citizenship program in Grenada.
Here, you’ll learn why Grenada is an excellent second passport country and how you can move there with your family.

Why You Should Choose Grenada
Grenada offers plenty of lifestyle perks that could convince you to relocate there with your family, including:
- Visa-free travel – With Grenada citizenship, you can gain visa-travel privileges in more than 130 countries, including Russia, China, and Europe. Grenada also has the added benefit of being part of the United States’ E-2 Visa Treaty. It is the only country in the Caribbean that has this easier route to work and live in the U.S.
- Sociopolitical security – Considered one of the safest islands in the region, Grenada also has a stable yet progressive government.
- Welcoming community – In Grenada, people go out of their way to make friends with every person they meet and spread infectious warmth. They make others feel welcome, saying hello to everyone while going about their day.
- No residency requirement – If you choose to relocate through the Grenada citizenship by investment program, you don’t need to maintain residency to keep your citizenship. In short, you can enjoy the privileges that go with it for a lifetime without needing to re-apply for or renew your citizenship.
- Family inclusion – Grenada citizenship by investment extends all these perks to your spouse, single siblings without children, dependent children under 30 years of age, and parents. Even with the same upfront investment as individual applicants, your family of four can become Grenada citizens.
How to Move to Grenada: 3 Vital Tips
Relocating to another country is a big leap. Make sure you do it right when moving to Grenada by following these tips:
- Learn about the citizenship program routes.
Opting for the Grenada citizenship by investment program is one of the most straightforward ways to relocate your family to the Caribbean. With this program, you can pick from two investment options:
- Government donation of at least $200,000 – This investment route has lower upfront costs. Single applicants can contribute $150,000 if moving on their own, while those bringing their relatives along need $200,000 for a maximum of four family members.
- Real-estate investment on a government-approved project – Share should be worth a minimum of $350,000 for both individuals and families moving to the country. This is the best choice for medium-term investors. It can also serve as an additional cash source in the form of rental income.
- Pick the right location for you.
When it comes to location, the considerations vary depending on the person’s personality and lifestyle.
If you’re a jet setter, you’ll want to live somewhere with easy access to the places you frequent.
But if you’re moving with your family, your primary concerns would revolve around things like education, healthcare, and safety.
When it comes to healthcare, Grenada has several respected private hospitals that are quite affordable. However, most people would still fly off the island to undergo major surgeries or treatment for more serious conditions.
But in terms of security, the island is known as one of the safest in the Caribbean. Most crimes reported are for petty thefts or domestic violence cases.
You shouldn’t worry about your children’s education, either. Grenada’s educational system is mainly based on the British learning program. The country also provides free public education for children aged 16 years old and below.
Moreover, Grenada has St. George’s University, an internationally accredited university that is considered as the world’s best offshore U.S. educational institutions. It offers veterinary, medical, and arts and sciences courses. St. George’s medical school graduates also get to train in some of the best U.S. and U.K. hospitals.
- Test the waters.
After determining a specific location in Grenada to move to, you should consider doing two things:
- Spend your time in the country during the least desirable time of the year.
- Extend your stay to get a feel of the overall living situation there.
What can be considered as the “least desirable” or off-peak season in Grenada is in September, which is when the nation has the highest temperature, rainfall, and humidity levels. You’ll need to experience what it’s like to live there during this time of the year.
If living there feels right, the next thing you need to do is extend your stay. If possible, spend three months there, preferably in the area you are considering relocating to. This will allow you to experience everyday life in the place – from the traffic situation to the accessibility of basic goods – before finalizing your move.
Relocate to Grenada
Grenada offers one of the best second citizenship options in the Caribbean. Use this article to make the right choice and enjoy a new life with your family.